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        WINGREEN new product was released at the 2012 Shanghai Wind Energy Exhibition

        Publish Date:2012-05-07

        The CWEE2012 was held on 26th-28th April 2012 at SNIEC successfully. The conference was organized and handled cooperatively by CWEEA, CWEA, CSEE, WWEA, CIM and Deray Expo Co., Ltd.

        Zhejiang HITE Renewable Energy Co., Ltd published new type products – 750KW FRT control rectifier and 2.5MW wind-cooling dual-fed wind turbine rectifier at the exhibition. The new products highly interested insiders and was enquired for the relevant product information by visitors.

        The 750KW FRT control rectifier is designed especially for the LVRF reconstruction of the stall-regulated turbines and passed the certification of MOE FRT and CEPRI FRT. The 2.5MW wind-cooling dual-fed wind turbine rectifier is applicable to the low temperature wind field with higher reliability and cost effective while no outside cycling system needed. The release of the WINGREEN products shows the consistent improving concept of HITE Renewable Energy.